I CAN statements

I CAN statements are common core standards, written into "student-friendly" language. In the video above Ellie Brunner, 5th Grade Teacher at Kennedy Elementary School in Willmar, MInnesota, discusses how to use I CAN statements with students in the classroom as objectives for state standards. .


As you work on your main projects designed to support your unit theme (Google Classroom, Learning Tool, Video Project, Teacher Website), you will create an assessment piece in the form of I CAN statements. Remember these three hints for writing I CAN statements"


From Learning Outcomes to I CAN statements

Iowa Common Core

The overall structure of the Common Core is to provide Learning Goals AKA Essential Concepts and then identify observable behaviors that must be mastered to achieve the identified Learning Goals. These behaviors are called Learning Objectives AKA Skills.

Example: Iowa Core Writing Standard - Grade 7 (Writing Standards 6-12)

GOAL/Essential Concept: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

This Goal is clear about what the student should be able to do, but it isn’t specific about the skills a student should have to be able to do this. That is why it is necessary to write the Objectives that specify the necessary behavior.

OBJECTIVES/Skills: (Each of these statements identify a measurable behavior.)

  1. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.
  2. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
  3. Establish and maintain a formal style. (W.7.1)

The problem with these goals and objectives is that they aren’t written for a 12-year old to understand. It is difficult for a 7th grade student to take ownership in his/her learning if s/he doesn’t fully understand what s/he is supposed to be able to do.

This is why "I CAN statements" were introduced.  "I CAN statements" are meant to represent the Core Goals and Objectives in Student-Friendly vocabulary. The Goa/Essential Concept listed above can be rewritten as:

I CAN write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

Not much difference but it is personalized to the 12 year-old student.

The Objectives are broken down into pieces